Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Movies = Pocahontas?? Happens more than you think

When the successful Avatar was released in late 2009 it was probably the best movie i have ever seen. The narrative, characters, the action everything about it. When the Oscars came up in March I was expecting Avatar to win movie of the year. Then i was disappointed to find that the increasingly overrated Hurt Locker took top prize and lets face it the entire fucking Oscars. Lets put it this way, the entire ceremony should have been held at Katherine Bigelow's house. The reason why Avatar lost was because of the Academy's lack of taste of good movies. Different blog for this issue.

But as soon as the movie was released i heard the excuse that made me crazy. I heard an excuse that made me want to blow off the heads of everyone that said it with a SPAS-12 shotgun. I heard that the story was only comparable to Pocahontas. Now being a fan of Avatar you could imagine what angry thoughts i was thinking. But the main reason why i was fuming was because there were a LOT more movies guilty of being like Pocahontas.

Now the Pocahontas formula is simple. You take the hero from a corrupt business or operation and have them in an accident that leads them with the resistance that teach the hero a new lookout on life and the resistance, lead by the hero, gets into an all out war with the hero's former comrades and wins. The love story is optional with this kind of formula.

Now when I put this formula up don't a lot of movies fit into this?? Ya thought so. Repo Men, Darksiders and even District 9 by a stretch has Pocahontas syndrome. Only difference with District 9 is that the hero is trying to find the cure to the Alien pepper spray he inflicted upon himself & he teams up with one solidarity alien instead of a total resistance but i digress.

Why is it that Avatar is the film under fire?? Is it because it has the love interest?? The South Park parody that bunch of douche bags suddenly picked up on it?? Personally i am betting on the second option. Ya right, like South Park episodes are ALWAYS the grounds for serious debate. Another topic for another blog.

If you are the person who keeps calling Avatar "Pocahontas in space", then i would seriously consider looking at other movies. Do you find that the plot fits into the Pocahontas formula?? Then you my friend are an idiot.

Look all i am trying to say is that Avatar is not the only film who suffers from Pocahontas syndrome and thus should not get the fire it is getting. As for Avatar not winning an Oscar I think 2 Billion dollars generated from Avatar is better than an Oscar.

Signing off
